Fight CPS Legal Fund THEY Kidnapped My Kids

"Legally Kidnapped" by false witness for profit.

Fight CPS Legal Fund THEY Kidnapped My Kids

This Family is in need of assistance funding their legal fees. 

Posted 2 years ago by S2-Actual, Chris


Kate 2 years ago

Samantha needs funds for legal representation for the upcoming July hearing. Thank you for helping her in any way as she navigates the system to get her children back. She has been depleted of her financial resources by having to travel to Oklahoma from Georgia for visitation, but can no longer afford to go there. If you can help in any way, thank you & please know that you made a difference in someone’s life and are helping a family enduring great hardship.

Kate Rudolph 2 years ago

Samantha & her 2 children were trafficked & kidnapped. She’s currently in desperate need of legal council as she’s been arrested for trying to take them back from foster care. She is in jail in Oklahoma facing kidnapping charges against her for her own kids & a felony for a weapon being present in the vehicle.
She’s my friend & she’s wounded from enduring 9 months without her children. She’s a good mother, a beautiful person, and she does not belong in jail. Please help us help her get the representation she needs to turn this nightmare around.

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